Project In Progress: Topeka

At Propel Build, our commitment to creating positive impacts extends beyond construction projects; it's about building a better community for all. That's why we're thrilled to announce a project that recently kicked off with Dallas City Homes; the exciting Topeka Project, a venture aimed at providing affordable housing solutions and fostering a vibrant Dallas community.


The Topeka Project marks a significant milestone in our journey to make a difference in people's lives. As we embark on this endeavor, our team is guided by one of our core values: putting people first. We believe that everyone, from our employees to our clients and subcontractors, deserves respect, dignity, and kindness. By prioritizing the well-being of individuals, we contribute to creating healthy communities and a better society.


This project is more than just construction; it's about fulfilling a vital need for affordable housing in the Dallas community. We're dedicated to providing homes where people can thrive and families can grow. Through our collaboration with Dallas City Homes, we're not just building structures; we're building hope and opportunity for those in need.

When Jason Brown, a representative from Dallas City Homes was appointed, he stated "One of my priorities will be taking these projects vertical and continuing to increase the supply of affordable housing for Dallas County,". We feel that his commitment reflects our shared vision of creating accessible housing solutions for all members of our community and it is one of the many reasons we’re proud to be partnering with this nonprofit. 

We’ve held a groundbreaking ceremony and the foundation is poured. As construction progresses on the Topeka Project, we're excited about the positive impact it will have on the lives of many. With each nail hammered and each brick laid, we're one step closer to realizing our vision of creating healthier, happier communities for all. Together with Dallas City Homes, we're building more than houses; we're building a brighter future for generations to come.


A Year In Review: Celebrating Progress in Dallas